Save Lite Publications

Once you've built your lite publication, you can save it to your own personal content folder, or share it with other Pyramid users.

Save and Share

To save your lite publication, click the Save icon.

From the Save As dialog, you can save your presentation to one of the three content folders: My Content, Workgroup Content, and Public Content.

Once you've saved your publication, you can open it, edit it, save changes, or save a new version of it. Depending on whether or not you share your publication, other users may also be able to open, edit, and export it.

You can also access save functions from the Publish Lite tab menu:

  • Click here for a detailed review of saving content, and the various content folders.

Data Source Authentication

If the data sources used in the publication is based on Windows Authentication, then a separate panel will be presented to the user. The user may need to supply a set of login credentials to successfully submit the scheduled task.

This often occurs when the authentication method for the data source is set to "End-user" Windows Authentication. Under this model, the user running the queries is used to connect (via Kerberos token) to the data source. However, when running a batch task (offline), the user's token is not available - as such a set of their credentials is required for connectivity by the Pyramid engine.

Schedules can also be configured for SAP BW sources if SAP Logon Tickets is selected as the authentication method in the Admin console. In this case, you'll be prompted to enter the relevant credentials.

Note: SAP Logon Tickets are available with an Enterprise license only.